Sunday, August 20, 2006


matthew 6:33

Following God is so not a bed of roses.
Serving Him takes tremendous sacrifice, faith, and a cheerful heart that's right.
It's so difficult!
But if God says you can move mountains with faith the size of a mustard seed then, i guess, you can. you definitely can.

I'm gonna go for it this time. I hear God calling me out of my comfort zone. I feel his good work starting in me, equiping me for the bumpy ride ahead. And yes, most importantly the heart. He's softened my heart yet put determination in me that I never knew I had.

Whatever He calls for, He provides for.

I'm gonna stretch my faith this time, i'm letting go, letting God, taking the plunge, risking it all, leaning totally on His strength and knowing in my heart that He'll pull me through. Meanwhile I'll jump off this edge, flap my wings like mad, and trust that His grace is sufficient for me. (:

Haha, so sorry for the funny imagery. That's really how it feels like now in my heart.

Tif needs a cell group helper and finally, for the first time in my life, I'll be serving in a ministry. God's timing is 'impecable' i must say. Haha. You can trust that He'll never make it easy. Of all the times He's calling me NOW. When the A levels are so near i can smell it. When my chem is at F standard and I need nothing less than a C for prelims in 3 weeks time. Gosh.

But I will not be shaken by circumstances!! My strength is in Him. And yes, I haven't felt such peace, and joy, in a long time. Thank you Jesus.

Give me faith, more faith. (:

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